In this sequel to the popular movie, the dolphin, the Rescue and Recovery beloved dolphin Winter, a young Sawyer Nelson and dedicated team of Clearwater Marine Hospital faced another crisis when his surrogate mother, the elderly, Panama dies, follows. KIDS FIRST! The critic Katherine S .: "I love this movie It's a funny and touching film, I think, to love families !." Samantha A., added 11 years adds, "Dolphin Tail 2 is a film that give on a true story that teaches about friendship, so never and there is always hope -. Literally Reviews you and Gerry O News from the World Premiere down.
Dolphin Tale 2
Katherine S Kids First! Critics, age 9
I love this movie! It's a funny and touching film that I think families will also love. It is a sequel to the original movie Dolphin Tale, where the winter, stranded dolphin was injured and maintain a number of people and give her a prosthetic tail. Now, three years later, and Nathan Gamble and Cozi Zuehlsdorff back, as Sawyer and Hazel along with the star cast of Doctor Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd as the mother Hazel, Harry Connick Jr. and Kris Kristofferson as Sawyer's father and grandfather. This time dies the winter mother and the team needs to find his new partner, or they will lose to another aquarium. Soon, they get a call they think of the new Dolphin came with. Now the question is does it work out?
Sawyer is also facing the opportunity of a lifetime, but he will stay and take care decision or winter, to go on a new adventure fighting.
My favorite part is when Sawyer swims tank winter and Real Bethanie Hamilton, who appears on the search. I also love when they save Mandy, another injured dolphin and a potential partner in the winter. And Pelikan offers a great comedian - it is especially fun when they rescued ray sea turtles and the pelican goes crazy!
My favorite character is Sawyer, who does a fantastic job in this film to show a range of emotions - looking worried, happy and mystified they wait for difficult decisions Winter and his future.
Sets the movie is spectacular - and the sea, and in the aquarium. Description of Mr. Dary Okada is awesome, especially for underwater photography.
One of the key messages in this film is to "never give up." The second is that "change is good., But to experience new things, sometimes you have to leave the old things behind."
Dolphin Tale 2 is a fantastic family film. I recommend it for boys and girls ages 6-18, but adults love it too, because who does not love dolphins? I rate this 5 out of 5 stars.
Be sure to Dolphin Tale 2, which is in theaters nationwide September 12 Reviewed by Katherine Starr, KIDS FIRST! The critics, the. 9 years
Reviewed by Samantha, KIDS FIRST! Critics, age 11Dolphin tail 2 is a film that never giving up on a true story that teaches about friendship and always have hope - literally. In this sequel to the first film, the dolphin, Clearwater Rescue team bands together since the tragedy that involved the death of winter's best friend in Panama who will leave the winter without a single pool guy she has ever seen. Winter goes into a deep depression, and the clock is ticking. You need to couple fast second Winter the dolphin.
Dolphin Tale 2 is one of those films that have not bound, because it does not suit you, or it just does not seem like much, but believe me, I thought the same, and this film quickly changed my mind. It is one of my favorite movies now, because it is so much more than just an average film dolphin who needs help. It is also educational, feel-good movie. And it is a message of comradeship and love, never give up on and learn about new opportunities. This film is not only large, it is also hilarious, mostly because of the crazy pelican, flying in and out of the aquarium and makes the unpredictable and wild things. For example, it will steal food from unsuspecting visitors and watching over a wounded turtle that was found wrapped in fishing line.
I was really excited to see 2 Dolphin Tale, because the first was so good. It's really fun to see what happens in the winter and all the Clearwater Aquarium. This film is not only poignant and funny, it is also a kind of emotional roller coaster if something unexpected happens (which is often). My eyes were glued to the screen. I've learned that dolphins have emotions and when Sawyer says, "It's not a bad thing."
Dolphin Tale 2 is a phenomenal film. I would 4 out of 5 gold stars and recommend it for 7 to 18 years because some scenes are a little more mature and perhaps scary for all children under the 7th